August 27, 2006 on 11:17 pm | In Curios, Rose of Versailles | 5 Comments



My good friend Kim alerted me to something she’s had sitting around for a while: a back page advertisement for a Daihatsu car, promoted by Oscar and Andre from Rose of Versailles! (Click on it for the full page ad; it’s 619kb and a huge resolution.)
It’s strange in my mind that Ikeda Ryoko is fine with this, but objects to people cosplaying as her characters. I suppose that the world needs to know about roomy cars that can be contracted.

My friend Raymond and I pieced together a basic translation of the dialogue, which goes something like this.

Oscar: ANDREEE!!
Andre: OSCARRR!! 

Oscar: Ah, if only I could, I would trade this life and become a bird … If I could become a bird, I would go to you … Ah, Andre, my love.
Andre: Ah … Oscar! The wide space between the two of us can be bridged like thousands of light years across this boundless universe.

We’re not certain of that, and that can probably be corrected, but Andre and Oscar have taken a break from fighting for the rights of the proletariat to sit in a car.

If only they had realised that the seats were adjustable, they could have got together and averted the horrible fall out of the French Revolution!


  1. 0_o The link is broken! Whyyy!
    (Anyway, she could have chosen a FRENCH car, cause, we didn’t do the revolution to entertain the japanese people, sacrebleu! Now where is my guillotine?)

    Comment by eurys — August 28, 2006 #

  2. Oooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy.

    Comment by Michael — August 28, 2006 #

  3. Okay, thanks to everyone who noticed: I fixed the link and deleted the other comments that pointed it out.

    Comment by Alex — August 28, 2006 #

  4. lol! I’m glad you enjoyed this so much (more than I expected, lol!)
    Sorry I scanned it in so big, but if it had been smaller the words would’ve been hard to read ^^; As it is, the white on red text is already really terrible to read ;P
    The translation is funny though! Although it is weird she objects to people cosplaying her characters O_o; even good cosplay? x___x

    Comment by Kimmu — August 28, 2006 #


    And this one? “If only they had realised that the seats were adjustable, they could have got together and averted the horrible fall out of the French Revolution!”


    I swear, Ikeda-sama is retarded the way she is, not wanting people to cosplay the charas and all while lending her artwork to, of all things, a car company. ^_^0

    Comment by Ligaya — January 20, 2007 #

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