Ouran High School Host Club – episode 18

August 16, 2006 on 11:44 pm | In Ouran High School Host Club | 2 Comments

“Chika-kun’s ‘Overthrow Honey’ Declaration”

If I’ve read this right, then cake is more important than blood. Okay, fair enough.

It’s another Honey episode and one that tries to tell us about being true to ourselves, which is something I already learned a few years ago when I decided that there should be no such thing as a “guilty pleasure” and that I should not be ashamed of myself.

Great twincest, bizarre moral. We should stop looking for meaning in these episodes.

Honey’s younger brother, Chika, comes to the club with a challenge. Chika can never win against Honey, but damned if he won’t try.

Chika doesn’t like Honey because Honey isn’t a serious person. It’s all Tamaki’s fault, of course, because Tamaki spouted out some junk about “being honest about what you like”. That’s a lot of bunk! We should all be living lies!
I think that Chika’s problem is that, because Honey was able to be himself, he had to become doubly tough to live up to the family standard (kind of like how Granny Weatherwax had to be the good one because her sister had decided to be evil ahead of her).

Most of the episode is backstory and, while it has its funny moments, you can see the path that all Honey episodes take: a nonsensical conclusion that has something to do with sweets. The brothers don’t even come to some kind of understanding: Honey just kicks his brother to the ground and goes about his business.
Perhaps Honey truly is from outer space.


  1. Its so cute

    Comment by Hakura — April 3, 2007 #

  2. Hey. A Terry Pratchett Fan? And you like anime? I thought I was the only such one. You rock.

    Comment by Medusagemini — May 8, 2007 #

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