Kiba – episode 17

July 30, 2006 on 10:43 pm | In Kiba | Comments Off on Kiba – episode 17

“A wish beyond reach”


“The Insane Princess!! Attack of the Egg Smashers!”

It’s funny: I have a friend who thinks that Kiba is great stuff. He lamented to me the other day that “Kiba is 2/3 of a great show”, because he hates Noa and thinks that all of the developments in that storyline are too obvious.

Many people say that Noa is the stand out and that Zed is the lousy good-for-nothing, but I’m starting to take the stance that they’re essentially as bad as each other.

Jimoto attacks Karbuhu a couple of times and, in Neotopia, Noa is being played for his destructive power.

Whenever a character goes insane with very little reason, the entire flavour of a series changes. Rebecca with each episode becomes more detestable. Instead of sense she offers yelling and tossed soup dishes. Zed and Roia can do nothing in these situations but shrug and wonder what the hell is going on. Karbuhu is clearly only in the story because Rebecca needs a society to lord it up over so that she can feel important enough to beat Hugh. The sad thing is that if Hugh hadn’t gone around and killed her father and so on, none of these problems would matter to the series’ heroes. They could be off in Tempura baking and selling emo bread but, alas, it was not meant to be. I doubt we’ll ever get back to Calm at this point, despite the only vaguely good part of this episode was when Zed compared Karbuhu with Calm.

My friend is right, though: Noa in Neotopia kind of sucks. He’s being played so bad and he’s too “weak of heart” to even notice it. A woman with a blue ladybird on her head never has your best intentions in mind, so don’t trust them. It’s simply inadvisable.

Yes, we can see what Hugh was aiming at, and yes, we can see the strings on Noa. Do we care? Not yet. Fortunately there are only ten episodes left, so the no-doubt as unsatisfactory as the rest of the series conclusion is almost within sight.

Wow, that’s a really bad sign: at episode 17 you find yourself thinking “good, it’ll be over soon.”

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