Honey & Clover II – episode 1

July 26, 2006 on 12:13 am | In Honey and Clover | 1 Comment

I realised that, while I was really into Honey & Clover during its initial run, I never really thought about it afterwards. Even when the Chapters L and F came out, I reflected only on their comedic nature and didn’t even attempt to consider them in relation to the series at large.

With this first episode of the second season we are forced to revisit that which we began a year ago. As I watched, I was struck by just how trendy the whole project was: people running through streets; Japanese men singing songs of friendship and love. Still, it was something special.

So, revisiting the love triangles of a year gone past, loves complicated by everyone being aware of everyone else’s emotions and choosing to ignore them in favour of their own. Am I honestly going to be able to watch a series that consists of Yamada and Mayama being desperately unhappy by their own hands? I’m not sure I’ll be able to cope.

Yet Takemoto’s bike has evolved into a car: perhaps that evolution will be symbolic of the characters this time around.

1 Comment

  1. Glad to hear this. I could use another perspective in this series. 🙂

    Comment by Tim — July 26, 2006 #

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