The Not-Quite Second Coming of the Very Naughty Girl – episode 10

June 7, 2006 on 11:13 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 5 Comments

“The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi IV”

The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi tries to win my heart by doing things I’m supposed to love – skipping the OP (instant drama notification!), oversaturating the colours (just like Chris Doyle, but more meaningless! … Or is that less meaningful?) – but, well, action-packed, fantastico first half … then we come to the second half and a lot of the steam runs out. All of that said, though, this was an excellent fourth episode, and the only real time that I’ve minded the episode shifting of this series.

I’m going to admit right here: I no longer think I am qualified to discuss Haruhi. She has grown too big and will destroy our universe.
Don’t think I won’t try, though … masochist, remember?

Spoilers inside

Asakura, the girl with the bushy eyebrows, tries to kill Kyon to get a rise out of Suzumiya Haruhi. Yuki isn’t going to have any of that, though!
Then Kyon gets a visit from the future’s future.

I’ll admit, I’ve been suffering some Haruhi fatigue due to the furore in the so called “onanosphere”. I’m not really willing to discuss the series in much depth simply because I’m liable to be eaten by a grue. What can I say, then?

This story is better upon reflection: the fight scenes are so fast that my head almost exploded from the speed and fluidity on display. I had not noticed that Yuki had been missing her glasses until she wore them again in this episode because they looked so stupid. But! they were really well done for the close up shots.
As for the visit from future Mikuru, I liked the tragic nature of the words that she gave to Kyon. There was a kind of … melancholy about them. I think I’m in love with future Mikuru simply because Goto Yuki’s voice doesn’t suck when she’s playing a character over the age of twenty. Who would have thought you had a normal register, Goto-san! Please use it in the future!

I enjoyed this on one level, but as the world becomes more meta I’m slipping away from The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi … it feels now like just another bubble in the sink, fading away like so many other suds. I’m glad that you’ve brought so much happiness to others, you angry looking Haruhi, but your vindictive yet ultimately loving hands have not caressed my heart.


  1. Foo to the meta. I’m just along for the ride.

    Comment by Pixy Misa — June 7, 2006 #

  2. Wow, I just realised this series is so much more fun if you think of it as “The [X] of the Very Naughty Girl”. I’m kind of looking forward to the ride being over so that I can watch this at a remove.
    I don’t think that my opinion would be that far different, though. I may have a natural aversion to fandoms, but they cannot completely poison my thoughts.

    Comment by Alex — June 7, 2006 #

  3. I think that a lot of the people currently complaining about the series would do well to sit down with it after it’s over and watch it again in chronological order. I think a lot of people (both fans and ex-fans) are missing a lot of the subtleties, parallels, and gentle ironies of the series due to the mixed up order, as well as relatively obvious things like Yuki’s glasses.

    Undoubtably, many will still be disappointed with the series (and I think most of those will say it would have made a better 6-ep OVA series), but at this point, it’s more than a little unfair to judge a partially assembled jigsaw as if it were a completed narrative.

    Is there a reason that this post, focused entirely on Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, isn’t filed in the Suzumiya Haruhi category? Seems to be a recent fad…

    Comment by Vinland — June 8, 2006 #

  4. That was an oversight on my part.

    I don’t mind working for my anime, I really don’t, but that doesn’t stop the fact that there are several aspects of Suzumiya Haruhi that I really can’t stand. I don’t buy the “everything – EVERYTHING – means something” approach that people have started taking to anime. Not everything can mean something.

    Comment by Alex — June 8, 2006 #

  5. This guy has some odd speculation about the series, based both on the anime and the books. Maybe Haruhi isn’t really the super powerful one, eh?

    Comment by Steven Den Beste — June 8, 2006 #

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