I’ll do it later: brief insight into what I’m not updating tonight

May 15, 2006 on 10:13 pm | In Site News | Comments Off on I’ll do it later: brief insight into what I’m not updating tonight

Due to a combination of tiredness and an overriding desire to finish Southern Cross tonight, I’ve decided not to prep my images despite having written up most of the episodes I’ve watched today.
Here are my impressions:

Utawarerumono, episode 6: this is becoming uncompelling and silly.
Nana, episode 6: we receive no plot progression and are left with an episode substantially the same as the first with a little taken out and a little added in.
Angel Heart, episode 15: this is more inline with the City Hunter ideals. Slightly inconsistent character modeling, but infinitely better than episode 14.
Ouran High School Host Club, episode 6: Tamaki again shows his compassion and is rewarded with respect but is ultimately stabbed down into the ground.

Full articles tomorrow, possibly with the next installment of my Rose of Versailles series and the conclusion of Southern Cross.
I really need to find more time to power through my DVDs. You know, hoodrat anime.

Update: Just finished Southern Cross. What the eff was that ending, man?

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