Honey and Clover – Special Chapter F

May 7, 2006 on 10:15 am | In Honey and Clover | 3 Comments

Hurrah for Honey & Clover! The F stands for Fashion, and this episode is set in a no man’s land of a time before Mayama joined Fujiwara design, and then soon after he began. It’s a parade of hilarity and just the slightest bit of profundity. Just the slightest.

The episode is bookended by inexplicable celebrations of a tea cosy that goes by the name of Pukkun. The first half of the episode displays Miwako’s desire to torture Yamazaki, and each of her attempts working in his favour (and causing him to fall in love with her).
The second half is about the dangers of group dating. Or something like that. Plus Shuu-chan and Mayama play shogi.

As in the instance of “Chapter L”, I had to reaccustom myself to the aesthetic of Honey & Clover. I can’t really think of another example of so much wonderful animation in which something is always going on. Honey & Clover does not exist on a linear plane, but rather a magical universe in which backgrounds can change, as can faces.

At any rate, there was always something to laugh at here, particularly the Lupin III cosplay that pretty much had the characters quoting Castle of Cagliostro verbatim. I’ll let this episode speak for itself, because it has the message of “life can’t always work out the way you want it”, which it combines with “loud shirts can bring inexplicable success”.

It serves only to make me long for the sequel all the more. Cast aside any fears, thou horrid naysayers! (actually, I just looked it up and we’ve got a director change: Nagai Tatsuyuki, who has never been a chief director and has worked on both high quality stuff and high profile junk in the past; let’s give him a chance).

Sayonara, Pukkun …


  1. “loud shirts can bring inexplicable success”

    If only that were true. Oh how I pray that were true… and after the show, I had the urge to get a green suit and yellow tie. Long live Honey and Clover.

    Comment by Os — May 8, 2006 #

  2. So that was a Lupin III parody after all! The thought did come to my mind but I was a bit doubtful.

    I see Miwako in a new light now. Somebody find that woman a young man to marry so she can settle down and stop being a nuisance to society. That woman is going through a severe middle age crisis

    Now I finally understand the scene between Mayama and Yamada in episode 3. Mayama never seemed like the playboy type but he was labeled as one by Yamada. In the end, the poor guy was just a victim of Yamada’s pathetic (and disturbing) whining at group dating events. Yamada should really see a doctor about her drinking problem.

    As usual, Honey and Clover was just pure gold.

    Comment by Mohammad — May 8, 2006 #

  3. It’s directly from Castle of Cagliostro. You can tell because of the flags that he’s drawing, and the fact that he tells the girl that her heart is too big to fit in his pockets.

    You know, I’ve only watched Honey & Clover once, I couldn’t relate it to episode three because I didn’t remember it. Would I like Hachikuro on a second run? I’m really worried that Ayu will annoy the hell out of me.

    Comment by Alex — May 8, 2006 #

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