Girls’ High – episode 3

April 25, 2006 on 11:05 pm | In Girls' High | Comments Off on Girls’ High – episode 3

“Fall in love, deceived, and then a love hotel?”

In an amazing twist of fate, Girls’ High begins to decry chauvinism and offers only three (3) panty shots all up. For whatever reason, I’ve had the ED in my head for the last week, even if it isn’t actually very good.

Himeji organises a joint party so that the girls can get hooked up with boyfriends. It turns out well for Ayano, who instantly falls in love, but Kouda, Eriko and Thingfeatures are less impressed, while Ogawa (the loli) gets snafued in an evil plan!

It’s always ironic when a fan service anime criticises the objectification of women prealent in the young men of today. In this episode we get Himeji acting realistically and Ogawa proving herself to have no understanding of the society in which she lives.
The embarrassing situations that the girls find themselves in are funny, and the attempted rape scenes are sinister but attempt to put humour into Ogawa’s extreme incomprehension of events.

Girls’ High took a step forward for rationality, and Noto Mamiko genuinely earned her paycheck this week. It’s still not really good, though, and now the perverts in the audience aren’t going to get as much of a release out of this episode.
Of course, any good work done by this episode is destroyed next week with the preview showing the oral fixation that has really messed up a lot of anime in recent years. Welcome back, perverts!

(oh, and I can’t believe that the contents of the after credits sequence were allowed on the air)

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