Ouran High School Host Club – episode 2

April 16, 2006 on 11:28 pm | In Ouran High School Host Club | 3 Comments

“A High School Host’s Work”

The Host Club is revealed to be a benevolent force that affects change amongst even the most lovelorned of students! Not a laff-riot, but very pretty indeed.

Henceforth I shall make no attempt to disguise the shock revelation of the first episode’s conclusion

Tamaki becomes quite jealous of Haruhi in a fashion that’s hard to describe due to its intense duality. The Host Club hosts a Spring Ball and acts to bring a fated couple together against the backdrop of Haruhi having to learn to dance or face having her darkest secret revealed! (her darkest secret, of course, being that she is a girl).

There’s really not a lot to say about this episode other than the fact that, while it is an ultimately decadent symbol of a decadent society, the Host Club acts for the good of Ouran High School’s students. It was nice to see that they have some sort of social conscience, and it was funny to see that Kyouya is the Club’s Shadow King.

Sufficiently entertaining, with less humour but more sinew than last time. It will probably end up being a “client of the week” type of program, but watching the confused relationship between King and Dog is guaranteed to be both spicy and interesting.


  1. My Ouran manga has just arrived, happily, but this episode suprised me. I was expecting full-out comedy rather than “client of the week” stories, but I’m not disappointed.

    Tamaki is such a drama queen. I adore him already *points at 121 screencaps from this episode alone*, but I really like all of the cast, even they if just exist to cater to all the bishounen stereotypes.

    Comment by Hopeless — April 16, 2006 #

  2. This show is eminently cappable; I haven’t made this many caps since Monster.

    Comment by Alex — April 16, 2006 #

  3. I totally understand. As I went through the episode a second time I took over 30 screencaps. Of course I had to cut them down, but I couldn’t help it. This is my favorite series of the season as of now.

    Comment by Os — April 17, 2006 #

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