Black Cat – episode 7

November 28, 2005 on 7:03 pm | In Black Cat | 1 Comment

“A Wounded Cat”

Black Cat is easily the most entertaining show I’m watching this season, and in this episode it begins to approach its status quo by establishing an easy rapport between its characters.

Eve runs from the fireworks when she smells blood, and in doing so she saves Train’s life. A week later, Train wakes up at Sven’s hideout … only to find that Chronos are out for both himself and Eve.

This episode was a bit of a lull, serving to create a bit of psychosis in Train (he imagines a date with Saya) and to introduce the new Number, Genos (VII). Up until this episode Eve had had only base contact with Train; you can’t get much more basic than pointing a gun at someone. Now Eve is forging her own personality, it’s nice to see that she’s trying to force her own ideas onto Train using her own set of morals.

I felt that Train’s flipping view of Eve was slightly forced in this episode, and that the collapsing tree part was done slightly too much for laughs, but overall it was a fine episode. Its real purpose was to bring the three together (Rinslet being AWOL) and to set the series up, at least for now, as “road anime”.

We got a hint of the coming epic battles sure to ensue between Creed and Train, and absolutely no sign that any of this will not be worthwhile.

1 Comment

  1. train is the absolute cutest cat i have ever seen

    Comment by raine — May 13, 2007 #

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