Honey and Clover – episode sixteen

August 13, 2005 on 2:51 pm | In Honey and Clover | Comments Off on Honey and Clover – episode sixteen

“The Moon is Calling Her”

I love this series. There is too much about Honey & Clover that is simply intangible, like the feeling that I got when Yamada had her big realisation, and the tension between Hagu-chan and Takemoto.

The Fujiwara Brothers, Mario and Luigi (seriously, one wears red and the other green), have a falling out, so Mayama is sent to work in another office. He does not tell Yamada.
Meanwhile, Takemoto is working on his graduation piece and Shuu-chan helps behind the scenes.

Again, I think that Hagu-chan really does feel the right way about Takemoto. This is especially evident without the involvement of Morita. Takemoto’s trance like dedication to his work seemed to be an admission of some sort of defeat. The “Tower of Youth” is really just an impossibly tall tower that does not show that much artistic integrity, and I am not certain if this is simply a reflection of Takemoto’s internal state or what he actually wanted to achieve. Takemoto has been working on this project for several episodes now, to the exclusion of all fun.
I do not think that this is like the waves of inspiration that Morita and Hagu-chan get, the waves of desperate inspiration that have to be harnessed before they dissipate. I think that Takemoto has had a lot taken out of him since his own revelations a little while back, which has made him something of a machine. While this is funny in some ways, it’s sad to see Takemoto in pain. Hagu-chan’s support was truly warm, though. Quiet assistance, but good.

Of course, you realise that this means everyone but Morita and Hagu-chan will have graduated, and of those two only Hagu-chan is forgivable.

On the other side of revelations, Yamada realises something semi-heartbreaking and really well done. This episode again emphasises the fact that Shuu-chan really cares for this group of students. A map of the next few episodes, if not the rest of the series, is laid out before Yamada here, and we will have to see what choice she will make.
The thing about this story is that I’m not the biggest fan of it, but I love the way that it is told so much that I am totally engrossed. Now make up your minds, everyone, and stop stringing Morita along, Rika!

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