Honey and Clover – episode fourteen

July 31, 2005 on 1:32 pm | In Honey and Clover | Comments Off on Honey and Clover – episode fourteen

“I touched her in my dream”

Damnit, now I care about the Yamada and Mayama relationship again.

Mayama has a dream in which he sees Rika, and again he can’t stop thinking about her. We are shown Mayama’s work life, in an office run by brothers Mario and Luigi (really), where both Harada and Rika used to work. Mayama, once again feels left out as he is the only one working there who never knew Harada.
Meanwhile, one of Mayama’s coworkers shows an interest in Yamada, which reveals something about Mayama that he’s probably not thinking about …

For the second half of episode thirteen, the narration duty had shifted to Yamada but I forgot to mention it. Subconsciously, perhaps, I was thinking it was a one off. Yet now, in this episode, we get a Mayama view of things. Seeing Mayama in his work element, rather than simply getting around with Takemoto and the others, reveals so much more about him. It was quite painful to watch the scene in which his colleagues are suddenly convinced that he is gay.

The way that the workers described Harada and Rika’s relationship reminds me very strongly of that which we have seen between Takemoto and Hagu-chan. Just as Hagu-chan gives instructions and Takemoto effortlessly interprets and executes them, so too did Rika and Harada in their relationship. I know that when it comes to the Takemoto, Morita and Hagu-chan triangle I’m expressing pure wishful thinking, but there’s no harm in it.

Essentially, I’m beginning to think that perhaps Mayama has feelings that he doesn’t realise and that, just like Morita, he is quite selfish with his emotions. Like everything that you see in Honey & Clover, new layers are added to characters every week.
I really don’t know what Rika is up to, but this whole thing is coming together so tightly that I want everyone to find happiness, despite the sheer impossibility of it all.

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