Honey and Clover – episode ten

July 2, 2005 on 4:22 pm | In Honey and Clover | Comments Off on Honey and Clover – episode ten

“We cross the sky.”

The official stance in this episode is that the group of five has been together for two years now. It’s a nice episode with a good montage of Hagu-chan to put things in perspective, as well as showing the more depressive side of Morita.

It’s December 29, and the group goes on a boat trip because Mayama’s grandmother enjoyed it when she did it. Mayama fails to recall that she had done it in Summer, and as a result it’s freakin’ freezing out on the harbour.
As Mayama reveals that he knows of Takemoto’s feelings towards Hagu-chan, they make their way towards the Ferris Wheel of ED Destiny. The significance of getting on the Ferris wheel is lost on me, as Takemoto rode one with Hagu-chan in episode six with no troubles whatsoever.

The montage of Hagu-chan moments is interesting because it shows how she has been represented over the course of the series, from her very first moment. I had reconciled myself to the fact that she was just really short for her age, even in light of Takemoto imagining himself at her height in his episode four dream. But watching Hagu-chan in a musical montage is weird, because she really does seem childish in little bites.
I just don’t know what to think of that any more. Personally, I could buy her and Takemoto together at a bit of a stretch, but not her and Morita. Despite that, I love the ambiguity present in this triangle.

Next episode looks like it will shed more light on Hagu-chan … I think. Really wish I hadn’t written half of that sentence three days ago.

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